IT Operations Automation: IT Ecosystem & Infrastructure Transformation

Did you know that, on average, organizations can reduce their IT operational costs by 30% through automation? This eye-opening statistic underscores the significance of IT operations automation. In this blog we'll explore how this powerful tool can streamline your workflows, minimize errors, and enhance overall productivity. Join us as we uncover the key benefits and strategies to elevate your IT operations to a whole new level.

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    What Is IT Operations Automation?

    IT-Operations-Automation - Future-Trends.

    IT Operations Automation is your quick solution to managing IT functions without any manual labor. It's like an autopilot for your IT tasks.

    Here's how it goes:

    • Automates mundane IT tasks to save time and boost efficiency.
    • Reduces cost and removes error-prone human intervention.
    • Monitors IT systems with precision for quick problem resolution.
    • Gives your IT team the freedom to focus on more critical projects.
    • Can adapt swiftly to any changes in market needs.

    What Are the Benefits of IT Operations Automation?

    woman on a laptop seeing the benefits of it operations automation

    IT Operations Automation is a reliable approach to streamline your company's tasks, freeing up resources for strategic activities. Here are the top benefits:

    • Enhanced efficiency: Expect less time on routine tasks and more on innovation. Automation reduces manual efforts and chances of errors, enhancing operational efficiency.
    • Dependable systems: Fewer human errors mean more reliability. Automation helps eliminate risks that lead to downtime, thus lowering costs.
    • Quick market response: Get products to market faster.
    • Scalability: Your operations are as agile as market conditions demand without additional investments.
    • Stronger security: Swift incident response, quicker threat detection, and fewer breaches mean stronger security. Automation offers proactive threat mitigation and protection against malicious attacks.

    How to Automate IT Operations?

    user-friendly it automation tool

    Streamlining IT tasks optimizes efficiency, reliability, flexibility, and visibility, freeing up your time for pivotal tasks.

    • Identify repetitive duties like provisioning servers, updating permissions, managing data transfers, or monitoring systems. Utilize your team's metrics to help distinguish procedures in need of automation.
    • Implement an IT automation solution compatible with your operations. Look for low-code API accessibility for seamless integration.
    • Monitor and tweak automation for optimal functioning.

    What Are the Tools Used in IT Operations Automation?

    IT operations automation tools are software applications used to streamline and optimize IT workflows. These tools allow you to automate repetitive tasks, increase efficiency, and improve reliability in your IT processes.

    • Server Provisioning Tools: These facilitate server setups and ongoing configurations, reducing manual effort. For example, Puppet helps automate server provisioning.
    • Integration Tools: These ensure your automation software works seamlessly with your existing systems, like alerting or cloud platforms.
    • Scalability Tools: These adjust your IT resources based on your organization's growth, such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk for cloud applications.
    • Security Tools: These provide necessary data protection measures, including multi-factor authentication, like Okta.
    • Support Tools: These offer ongoing updates, bug fixes, and assistance from the vendor.

    What Are the Challenges of IT Operations Automation?

    IT operation automation brings incredible advancements. Yet, like any forward step, it presents its own set of challenges.

    • This move demands a solid grasp of technology and processes, not to mention a significant upfront investment in tools.
    • There's an inherent danger in rushing to automate processes without vetting their effectiveness. In other words, a poorly automated process could trigger an uphill battle of complications.
    • Adapting to these new technologies can be a daunting task. It requires teams to acclimate to new business frameworks and integrations, which can be a challenging shift.

    What Are the Different Types of IT Operations Automation?

    IT Operations Automation frees your IT operations teams to focus on higher-value projects. Here's how it's making waves:

    • Server Provisioning: Automation makes it quicker and error-free to set up new servers, and load them with necessary software and applications for use.
    • Software Deployment: Automate those nerve-wracking software updates and patch deployment across multiple systems to improve security and user experience.
    • Monitoring and Alerting: Automation keeps an eye out for system or application issues and instantly alerts IT staff.Backup and Recovery: Trust automation for scheduling and managing data backup, ensuring easy data recovery in case of disaster and compliance with regulatory requirements.
    • Security Management: Automation tools maintaining system security? They've got your back from monitoring to incident response.

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    10 Benefits of IT Automation

    1. Streamlined and Repeatable Processes

    IT Operations Automation can significantly streamline your processes, creating a more efficient, reliable, and scalable operation. Here's why:

    • It helps you focus: Automate repetitive, time-consuming tasks to free up your team to concentrate on more engaging work.
    • It boosts process adherence: Automation limits the actions users can take and reduces the incentive to deviate, ensuring your business runs smoothly and stays compliant.
    • It improves visibility and reliability: With automated processes, you have clear, real-time visibility of progress and accountability, leaving no room for confusion.
    • It grows with you: As your business expands and operational volumes increase, automation eliminates bottlenecks, helping your operations scale seamlessly.

    2. Increased Efficiency and Productivity

    IT Operations Automation is an effective tool for ramping up productivity and efficiency. Here's how it makes a significant positive impact:

    • Automation outperforms manual efforts: With automation, you replace the work typically done by three to four individuals with a single machine. This is not only about saving labor costs but also about operating with robust efficiency.
    • Energy and Heat Reduction: Deploying automated devices is a boon to your energy bills. Devices contribute to heat reduction leading to considerable energy savings.
    • Freeing employees for strategic tasks: Automation takes care of manual, mundane tasks. Freed from the 'boring' tasks, your team's energy can be spent on high-impact, strategic aspects of their roles, upgrading their productivity.
    • Quick Resolution Times: Automated systems offer faster solution times, so, whether it's a security breach or service interruption, quicker fixes mean better results.
    • Around-the-Clock Production: The non-stop working capacity of automated machines optimizes your output. They function 24x7, accommodating Just in Time manufacturing seamlessly.
    • Cost Savings and Reinvestment: A byproduct of automation is significant cost savings. As per a case study, delivering 1000+ automation programs over three years resulted in a 35% savings in operational costs. This financial benefit can then be reinvested in new markets or capabilities for business growth.
    • Reduction of Human Error: Mistakes happen, but automation can dramatically reduce these occurrences. When distinct tasks are assigned to people, chances of error decrease, freeing up more time for them to focus on crucial business operations.
    • Freeing Resources for Innovation: Automate repetitive, laborious tasks to open up room for your team to be more creative. With less time spent on manual operations, they can engage in innovative ideations, driving your company forward.

    3. Improved Workflow and Collaboration

    IT Operations Automation can transform your workflow and collaboration. Here's why:

    • It collects and compiles data, giving you a clearer understanding of your company, and helps you make data-driven decisions.
    • With quicker response times, your customers get the help they need, boosting your satisfaction rates.
    • Communication is smoother with automated reminders for impromptu tasks.
    • New hires become productive early on, gaining access to necessary apps from Day 1, and presenting your company as organized and committed to their success.
    • IT automation decreases the chances of costly errors, reducing operating costs and boosting profits.

    4. Improved IT Infrastructure and Resource Scaling

    IT Operations automation not only improves your IT infrastructure but also scales up your resources massively.


    • Enjoy more than 10% additional resource capacity annually with a more flexible workforce.
    • Your team becomes capable of delivering services quicker courtesy of automated operations.
    • Keep your operational costs in check through the improved efficiency of processes.
    • Stay audit-ready effortlessly with every change recorded via automated ticket generation.
    • Resolving an incident or remediation becomes a breeze, accelerating your digital transformation.


    • The complexity of IT operations could surge when managing data across varying data centers.
    • Relying on hard-coded properties, custom scripts, and manual processes may become impractical.
    • Integration and configuration of new tools and technologies might be challenging.
    • Management of infrastructure may require proactive resolution of potential issues and accurate prediction of capacity, performance, and bandwidth needs.
    • Automation can cause overdependence, hindering process understanding and human nuances.

    5. Improved Reliability and Availability

    IT operations automation is your alternative to manual handling, cutting down costly mistakes and boosting reliability. It's like having a smart assistant that enhances service availability while keeping your business humming smoothly.

    Top features:

    • Reduces manual handling time by an average of 80%
    • Lessens server migration time by 92%
    • Drops cloud vulnerability management workload by 85%
    • Predicts and resolves 86% of issues automatically
    • Minimizes storage-related issues by solving 54% of them


    • It may oversimplify some processes.
    • miss nuanced issues that a human could catch.
    • High initial set-up costs.
    • Can lead to job displacement.
    • Despite automation, occasional manual supervision is needed.

    6. Increased Security and Protection

    computer screen showing security and protection

    IT automation ramps up your security game like never before! It identifies asset vulnerabilities and automates protection procedures, which safeguard your IT services and assets from lurking dangers. Let's count the ways automation bolsters your protection:

    • Less human error: Automate tasks to significantly lower the chance of making mistakes. After all, a whopping 95% of cybersecurity issues are due to human slip-ups. Automation takes this risk out of the equation.
    • Swift server migrations: Are you seeking a reduction in server migration time? Automation delivers big time, bringing it down by a staggering 92%.
    • Ease workload: Cybersecurity can be quite a workload, but not when you automate responses. Automation provides an 85% reduction in workload volume.
    • Keep up the 24/7 security shield: Instead of pushing your team's limits with round-the-clock shifts, let automation ensure ceaseless protection of your IT.
    • Sharpen application access clarity: With automated application access and permission granting, user access becomes manageable and safer.

    7. Reduced Human Error

    IT Operations Automation helps you drastically cut down on human error. Here's why:

    • Manual tasks are prone to human error, which can go undetected until a problem arises. With automation, these steps can be programmed to run flawlessly, ensuring the job gets done correctly every time.
    • You don't need to worry about forgetting a step or mixing up data inputs; the automated systems take care of all that for you.
    • If you're dealing with repetitive tasks, automation is a game-changer. Not only does it save time, but it also reduces the risk of human error involved in the repetition.

    8. Ability to Adapt to Changing Needs

    IT Operations Automation can be the ace up your sleeve as it provides a tailor-fit solution that evolves with your business needs. With its ability to quickly adapt to changes, it aligns your services to meet faster-than-light customer expectations.

    Top features:

    • Versatility: The system can be easily reconfigured to align with your new requirements.
    • Speed: Agility is the name of the game. IT Operations Automation enables instant responses, hence keeping your business on its toes to fulfill customer needs swiftly.
    • Efficiency: Automating tasks and processes saves time and significantly reduces failures. Moreover, it has been noted that automation can create an additional resource capacity of over 10% annually.
    • Scalability: As your business grows, IT Operations Automation scales with you. Watch out for scalability when choosing the automation tools to avoid outgrowing your software in one to two years.
    • Innovation: Leveraging evolving tech like AI, low-code REST API adapters, and no-code development platforms will keep you on the front line of the IT automation trends.
    • Employee and Customer Impact: Automation can significantly change the roles of your employees and customer experiences. Be mindful of these changes and ensure to effectively communicate them to the affected parties.
    • Maintenance Minimization: With IT Operations Automation in place, you can bid goodbye to regular time-consuming system maintenance.

    9. Increased Self-Service and Ease of Use

    Automation in IT operations enhances self-service and ease of use, decreasing agent handling time and leading to superior user experiences. Here's how:

    • Automated operations standardize and swiftly deliver services, freeing up your team to focus on essential strategic tasks.
    • Automated ticket enrichment aids governance and change management, with each change recorded and ready for audit.
    • Agent assistance is optimized with AI-driven responses, leading to quicker incident response and auto-remediation.
    • With a reduction in IT-dependent tasks, employees can effectively use applications, have their queries resolved promptly by a bot, and check their ticket status independently.
    • Automation in IT operations meets employee requirements promptly, making them rely less on IT support.

    10. Increased Innovation and Creativity

    Revamping IT operations with automation can catalyze a wave of innovation and creativity within your team. This transformation is a result of automation effectively repurposing resources from manual, repetitive tasks to high-impact activities that require strategic thinking. Here's how:

    • With automation assuming the brunt of essential but mundane tasks, your IT team gets the space to innovate. Annual resource capacity has been seen to increase by more than 10%, providing room for more intuitive solutions.
    • Automation accelerates operations. Accenture reported a 40% increase in speed by integrating automated technologies into their applications, making way for quicker delivery of new business functions.
    • Automation reshapes organizational culture and redirects the focus from routine to more strategic roles. This motivates employees, leading to increased productivity and a happier workspace.
    • Automation enhances customer experience. Faster resolution by your IT team means customers get improved product experiences regularly.

    What Is the Future of IT Operations Automation?

    statistics about the Future of IT Operations Automation

    IT operations automation is the future of highly efficient, cost-effective, and secure business performance. It alludes to the use of software tools to manage and execute standard IT operations without much human intervention. In the future, you'll see:

    • A predicted 70% of all business processes utilizing IT by 2025, underlining the rising reliance on automation.
    • An increase in hyper-automation, with an expected 20% of results completely automated, bringing unparalleled efficiency.
    • Businesses with IT-savvy teams outperform rivals by an estimated 20% in customer experience.
    • The IT teams stepping up to embrace operation automation tools as a core strategy of future business development.

    Grow You Revenue With Kohezion

    I hope this article helped you uncovered the compelling potential of IT operations automation. It's time to turn knowledge into action and propel your IT operations forward. Kohezion is here to guide you on this journey.
    Contact Kohezion today to discuss how our IT operations automation solutions can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, we have the expertise and cutting-edge technology to optimize your IT processes, reduce operational costs, and enhance productivity.
    Seize this opportunity to simplify and automate your IT operations. Reach out to us now and embark on a path toward IT excellence. Your future starts with a single click – contact Kohezion to unlock the full potential of your IT operations.

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