The Rise of Low-Code Development

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    The rise of low-code development in the last few years has changed how software is developed. This approach simplifies the coding process, allowing users to build applications with minimal manual coding. This post explores low-code development, its benefits, and how it revolutionizes how businesses create software solutions.

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    What Is Low-Code Development?

    Low-code development is a method of creating software applications with minimal traditional coding. Instead of writing extensive lines of code, users can use visual interfaces and drag-and-drop tools to design and customize their applications. This approach simplifies the development process, making it accessible to individuals with varying technical expertise. 

    Low-code platforms typically provide pre-built templates, modules, and integrations, allowing developers to quickly assemble and deploy functional applications. Low-code development speeds up the software development lifecycle, enabling businesses to innovate and adapt to changing market demands more efficiently.

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    Benefits of Low-Code Development

    Below, we explore how this approach streamlines the software creation process, empowers users of all skill levels, and increases efficiency in application development.

    Faster App Development

    Low-code development platforms can reduce development time by 90% thanks to features like drag-and-drop, pre-built components, visual modeling, automation, assistance bots, one-click deployment, and built-in monitoring. What once took weeks or months to code manually can now be constructed with these tools in a fraction of the time. Low-code development platforms shorten the time to value for new applications and allow businesses to respond to opportunities and challenges quickly. 

    Increased Agility

    Low code allows developers to adapt applications quickly to changing needs or user feedback, ensuring continuous improvement. This agility means changes can be made in real time without long downtimes, and user suggestions can be incorporated promptly.  

    Low-code platforms also make it easy to adjust to evolving business processes or market conditions, allowing functionalities to be easily altered. Experimenting with new ideas carries minimal risk, fostering innovation and ensuring businesses maintain their competitive edge.

    Compatibility with Other Platforms

    Low-code platforms integrate with third-party services and data sources through built-in connectors and APIs. The ease of integration eliminates the need for extensive coding when connecting to external systems and databases. Third-party APIs allow you to access a wide array of features, extending the capabilities of your applications.

    Integrating with existing platforms within your organization also enables you to provide users with a consistent experience across interfaces. On the other hand, the flexibility to pull in data from diverse sources improves your applications' decision-making processes.

    Improved Cost Saving

    According to Forrester, companies that used low-code tools saved the expense of hiring two IT developers. The applications they developed increased business value by around $4.4 million over three years.

    The decrease in the requirement for specialized developer skills when using low code platforms, combined with shorter project timelines, directly benefits your budget. This allows organizations to allocate financial resources more efficiently, using the savings from development to support other growth-oriented initiatives or foster innovation. 

    Reducing the need for highly specialized developers allows businesses to cut staffing expenses, whereas completing development faster helps minimize project overheads. Lower training costs are also realized as existing employees can contribute to development without extensive coding training. Building in-house expertise reduces dependency on external agencies, saving costs associated with outsourcing. Easy updates and modifications decrease ongoing support costs, resulting in maintenance savings.

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    Improved Collaboration

    Low-code platforms offer a common visual language understandable to both technical and non-technical team members, allowing everyone to actively contribute to the development process. They provide accessible design and review processes, ensuring continual input and real-time feedback from team members. 

    Minimizing miscommunication and delays between departments leads to efficient handoffs, streamlining the development process. Low-code platforms encourage broader participation and buy-in throughout the organization, promoting cross-functional engagement and ensuring everyone feels invested in the project's success. This improved collaboration leverages diverse insights and speeds up decision-making, resulting in better outcomes. 

    Increased Efficiency

    Low-code platforms automate repetitive tasks and reduce manual coding, allowing developers to channel their creativity and expertise toward more complex challenges. Visual debugging tools simplify troubleshooting, enabling developers to identify and resolve issues quickly. Built-in collaboration tools streamline workflows, optimizing project management and task flows. This operational efficiency enables developers to deliver higher-quality applications that truly stand out in terms of quality and user experience. 

    Empowering Innovation

    Low-code development simplifies application building, enabling more individuals to turn their ideas into practical solutions. It also encourages experimental projects without the risk of significant resource investment, fostering a culture of innovation. 

    Low-code development makes rapid prototyping feasible, enabling quick testing of new concepts and adjustments based on real-world feedback and data. It allows organizations to tap into the latent talents and ideas, leading to out-of-the-box solutions that drive business growth. This democratization leads to increased creativity, welcoming new ideas from all sectors of your company. 

     benefits of low code development

    Are Low-Code Platforms the Answer for Deploying Business Software

    Whether low-code platforms are an answer for deploying business software depends on your organization's unique requirements, but they're undeniably reshaping software deployment. Low-code solutions provide a balance between customization and efficiency. Businesses no longer have to choose between costly, time-intensive custom software development and rigid off-the-shelf products. These platforms offer the middle ground, combining speed with a tailored approach that aligns with specific business processes.

    Low-code solutions require 70% fewer resources compared to traditional app-building methods. This streamlined approach has led to a significant surge in adoption, with 70% of new business applications projected to utilize low-code technologies by 2025. These statistics underscore the widespread acceptance of low-code platforms as a preferred choice for application development.

    However, while low-code platforms can be compelling, they may not always be suitable for every scenario. Complex, highly specialized applications with unique performance demands may still necessitate traditional development approaches. 

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    Examples of Using Low-Code Development Platforms

    Below, we'll explore practical examples demonstrating how organizations use these platforms to simplify tasks, work more efficiently, and inspire creativity.

    Employee Onboarding

    Low-code development platforms enable HR teams to create personalized onboarding experiences that cater to the needs of the new hires and the organization. Automated document management simplifies the handling, distributing, and collecting of necessary paperwork and information. 

    Progress tracking features enable HR teams to monitor new hires' onboarding activities and provide support. Integrating existing HR systems connects onboarding apps with other software, facilitating a seamless transition. Creating a feedback loop with new employees fosters engagement and allows for continuous improvement of the onboarding experience over time.

    Customer Helpdesk Portal

    Creating a customer helpdesk portal using low-code development can significantly improve the service experience for customers and support staff. This approach ensures easy access to customer solutions through FAQs, articles, and forums, minimizing response times. Implementing a simple ticket tracking system also enables customers to report issues and monitor their status effortlessly. 

    Offering personalized support through a tailored dashboard that showcases support history and provides customized recommendations further improves the customer experience. On the other hand, organizations can collect valuable customer feedback, allowing them to improve their service quality. Integrated communication tools within the portal allow direct interaction with support staff via chat, call, or email, enabling seamless communication and issue resolution.

    Order Taking Automation

    Automating the order-taking process with low-code platforms speeds up transactions and reduces the chances of human error, resulting in a more reliable and efficient ordering system. Streamlined ordering processes enable businesses to provide customers with a smoother experience through intuitive interfaces. On the other hand, real-time inventory updates ensure accurate stock levels as orders are processed. 

    The customizable nature of low-code platforms allows businesses to design order management systems that align with their specific business logic and rules. Integration with payment gateways enables secure payment processing and transaction handling within the ordering system. Improved customer data management capabilities enable businesses to organize and use customer data effectively, facilitating targeted promotions and service improvements.

    examples of using low code development platforms

    The Future of Low-Code Development

    The global low-code development platform market is expected to witness remarkable growth, reaching a revenue of $187 billion by 2030. This year, low-code tools are expected to handle more than 65% of application development and be used in developing over 500 million apps and services. These figures show the growing recognition of the benefits offered by low-code platforms in application development, enabling rapid digital transformation across industries. 

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    Build Your Apps Using Low-Code with Kozeion

    Kohezion provides an intuitive platform where you can bring your app concepts to life faster than ever. Navigating the platform is easy and requires minimal training, thanks to its user-friendly interface. You can customize every aspect of your application to align with your unique business processes. 

    Kohezion offers seamless integrations with different systems and third-party services, improving your application's functionality. As your business expands, Kohezion will scale alongside you, accommodating increases in users, data, and complexity. Plus, with dedicated support and resources, Kohezion ensures a smooth and efficient development process. Whether you're developing applications for internal use or your customers, Kohezion enables your team to innovate without limitations.


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    Low-code platforms like Kohezion offer faster development timelines, increased business agility, seamless integrations, and cost savings. As businesses adapt to the digital age, the simplicity, versatility, and democratization offered by low-code development will likely play a significant role in defining the future of business software.

    So, whether you're a business leader aiming to streamline operations, a developer focusing on creative solutions, or a team member eager to contribute to your company's digital transformation, low-code development is a valuable tool in turning challenges into opportunities and ideas into realities. Contact us and start building your low-code apps today.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Your business should start employing low-code development solutions if you're looking to streamline processes, reduce costs, and quickly adapt to market changes without extensive coding expertise. These solutions are ideal when you need to develop applications rapidly or prototype new ideas efficiently.

    Low-code development requires some coding knowledge, offering developers more flexibility and the ability to customize. No-code development is designed for non-technical users with a focus on ease of use, which is ideal for straightforward applications without the need for complex customization.

    Low-code platforms can meet the needs of large-scale enterprise applications to a certain extent, especially for standard applications with less complexity. However, traditional coding might still be necessary for highly complex systems with specific performance requirements.

    Organizations can choose platforms with robust security features, conduct regular security assessments, provide thorough training on data handling, and involve IT and cybersecurity teams in the app validation process to ensure data security when using low-code platforms. They should also stay informed about compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR.

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